Convenience or Obedience? -- Heirs of Grace, Part 1: Intro
When I was in high school, it was the rule that chores came before homework. I never really understood that commandment. I didn't know why a few dirty dishes trumped expressive algebra. I mean, those dishes were always going to serve one purpose, but my future career depended on my scholastic success. So instead of tending to the soiled towels that had been in the hamper since at least two Tuesdays ago, I chose homework first. I was reprimanded every day for my choice. Mainly having my cell phone taken away (which let's be honest, is detrimental to social acceptance in the world of teenage angst). And yet, I never corrected the behavior. I was right, dad was wrong; and besides, there were more clean towels in the closet and you can totally just eat your cereal with a clean fork. I chose convenience over obedience. I recently started an extensive study on the book of Judges. And thanks to the help of Tim Keller, I've noticed that time and time again, Israel chose con...